Scroll Bible Verse (I am) Desktop Backgrounds 1680x1050 pixels

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BrownEyedSusanWild Desktop1680 - No Verse ...The Lord is my helper... Desktop1680 The LORD is my shepherd - Desktop1680 The fear of the Lord... Desktop1680 The Lord Is my strength and song?Desktop1680 The LORD is longsuffering... Desktop1680 Talk no more exceeding proudly... Desktop1680 The LORD is my rock, Desktop1680 The LORD is king forever... Desktop1680 ...the LORD is his refuge. Desktop1680 The LORD is my light... Desktop1680 ...his way is perfect... Desktop 1680 The LORD is my strength... Desktop1680 ...the LORD is powerful... Desktop1680 ...the Lord is with them... Desktop1680 But the LORD is my defence... Desktop1680 For the LORD is great... Desktop1680 For the LORD is good... Desktop1680 The LORD is merciful... Desktop1680 The LORD is my strength and song.Desktop1680 The LORD is thy keeper... Desktop1680 The LORD is righteous... Desktop1680 The LORD is our judge... Desktop1680 The LORD is my portion... Desktop1680 The LORD is slow to anger... Desktop1680 ...The LORD is my God.  Desktop1680 ...The LORD is risen indeed... Desktop1680 But the LORD is faithful... Desktop1680 ...the LORD is a fountain of life... Desktop1680